Fabric Chicks 2024 Retreat Day Student with Meals
Cancellation Policy:
All Canceled Reservations will have the following charges:
Now-120 days $50.00
119-90 days $150.00
90-61 days $300.00
60-0 days No Refunds
Cancellations cannot be made within 60 days prior to the retreat. You may transfer your reservation to another person if you are unable to attend. All cancellations or replacement information must be in writing or via email. All returned checks are subject to a $25.00 fee.
Fabric Chicks cannot be responsible for any injury, loss or damage sustained by attendees. All information subject to change.
All Canceled Reservations will have the following charges:
Now-120 days $50.00
119-90 days $150.00
90-61 days $300.00
60-0 days No Refunds
Cancellations cannot be made within 60 days prior to the retreat. You may transfer your reservation to another person if you are unable to attend. All cancellations or replacement information must be in writing or via email. All returned checks are subject to a $25.00 fee.
Fabric Chicks cannot be responsible for any injury, loss or damage sustained by attendees. All information subject to change.
Fabric Chicks 2024 Retreat Day Student with Meals
$ 595.00